VIDEO 1979–1989 (Scroll to view all projects)
Subordinate Acts. Vignettes of intrigue, audio and narration by J. Harrison, with Robert Kleyn, Ilona Granet, Pamela Harling, and friends. Vignettes of intrigue, audio and narration. 5 mins, Producer / Director / Editor. 1981
March for Disarmament. Live 3-hour broadcast on PBS of the June 12th Disarmament Rally in NYC. Sr. Producer / Live Camera / Supervising Editor. 1982
The Other Side, by Julie Harrison and Robert Kleyn. Machine Language; A woman's search for the primal myth, a spiritual recollection of fantasy and control. 20 mins., Channel. 12 Cablevision. Co-Producer / Co- Director / Camera / Co-Editor. 1985
Positive Images: Portraits of Women With Disabilities, by Julie Harrison and Harilyn Rousso, Networking Project For Disabled Women & Girls; Three portraits of women with different physical disabilities. 58 mins. Director / Editor. Gold Apple Award, National Education Film & Video Festival; Superfest; PBS. 1989
Lasting Impressions, Collaboration with Robert Kleyn. Buying a pyramid, music by R. Kleyn, 4 mins. Co-Producer / Director / Editor. 1981
Transmigration, by Julie Harrison. Experimental TV Center; Image-processed poetics about birth, life and death. Featuring the audio work of Carol Parkinson; 15 mins., National Video Festival, Albany State Museum. Producer / Director / Editor. 1989
Boundary (excerpt "Radiated Face"), by Julie Harrison & Neil Zusman. Image-processed at the Experimental Television Center; 20 mins. Colorado Video Award, Athens Video Festival; Honorable Mention, Atlanta Video Fest.; Video Roma Int'l Video Festival, Staatliche Kunstalle, Kunst Akademe, CAPS Award. Co-Producer / Co-Director / Editor. 1980
Interpretations of the Heart. Collaboration with Movado Watch Corp.; Captures the vitality of the process of creation in young children making art in collaboration with assemblage artist Arman. Installation in Movado storefront on Madison Ave., NYC. Director / Camera / Editor. 1986
Devotion, written and directed by Robert Kleyn, produced by Julie Harrison, 16:00, 1982
Boundary (excerpt "No"), by Julie Harrison & Neil Zusman. Image-processed at the Experimental Television Center; 20 mins. Colorado Video Award, Athens Video Festival; Honorable Mention, Atlanta Video Fest.; Video Roma Int'l Video Festival, Staatliche Kunstalle, Kunst Akademe, CAPS Award. Co-Producer / Co-Director / Editor. 1980
Boundary (excerpt "Iranian Woman"), by Julie Harrison & Neil Zusman. Image-processed at the Experimental Television Center; 20 mins. Colorado Video Award, Athens Video Festival; Honorable Mention, Atlanta Video Fest.; Video Roma Int'l Video Festival, Staatliche Kunstalle, Kunst Akademe, CAPS Award. Co-Producer / Co-Director / Editor. 1980
Zone of the Generals. Political metaphors, b/w, audio by J. Harrison, 3:30 mins. Producer / Director / Editor. 1977
Other Works
Fire Down Below. Stats about violence and sexual harassment towards women; with sound collage. 10 mins. Central Mich. University. Producer/Director. 1994
Barriers and Bridges. Guggenheim Museum; New York City kids design and build an environmental sculpture wall based on the title. 10 mins. NYC. President Awards for Excellence in the Arts Ceremony. Producer/Director/Camera/Editor. 1989
Women and Disability: The Issues. Education Equity Concepts; A half hour cable TV show combining hosts, interviewees, and conference on the issues. 28 mins. Director/Editor. 1988
Regarding Ourselves: Women in Social Work. National Assoc. of Social Workers; The history of women in social work, combining historic photographs, films and interviews with important women in the field today. 45 mins. Director/Editor. 1988
Networking Across the Generations. YWCA of New York; About the Networking project designed to provide role models for adolescent disabled girls. 20mins. Director/Editor. 1987
The Psychological Birth of the Human Infant. Margaret Mahler Psychiatric Research Foundation; The Separation-Individuation process of the mother and child. 45 mins. Editor. 1986
Correspondance. Experimental TV Center; Art/Music video with objects of signs & symbols. Music by Carol Parkinson. 4 mins., Festival Int'l de Film & Video de Femmes. Producer/Director. 1985
Progress. Machine Language; Structuralist music video, a site through a window of a fozen river in the snow, a landscape. Music by George Elliott. 4 mins. La Video Fameuse Fete Video Festival. Producer/Director/Editor. 1985
Bartleby: 1984. Eyeball Productions; A computer programmer who goes insane, based on the Melville story. 28 mins., Video director/Editor. 1984
The Realization. Fighting Words Productions; Writer/Director: Robert Kleyn; A story about a man's vision of his self-paranoia, his double, or Other. 25 mins. Bard College. Producer/Co-Camera/Co-Editor. 1983
Cartoon Tape. Art on tape, computer generated images based on drawings by the artist. 4:30 mins., Toronto Film Festival, World-Wide Video Festival, Bronx Museum, Video Culture Canada. Producer/Director/Editor 1983
Ere I Saw Elba. Music by MMCPM; New wave, new style, electronically processed MV, sex, babies, and reproduction. 5 mins. World-Wide Video Festival. Producer/Director/Editor. 1983
Dionysus: Where Magic Starts, the Breath. music by Colin Griffiths; electronically processed. Producer/Director/Editor. 1983
Clean It. Signs and symbols; music by Gus Van Sant, 3:30 mins. Producer/Director/Editor. 1983
Interrogation. Image-processed, music by Vangelis, 3 mins. World-Wide Video Festival. Producer/Director/Editor. 1982
I Forgot. Video epigram, music by R. Kleyn, 2:30 mins. Festival Int'l Cinema e Video, World-Wide Video Festival. Producer/Director/Editor. 1982
Alone. music by J. Harrison, 2:30 mins. Producer/Director/Editor. 1982
Is It Work or Is It War?. Collaboration with performance artist Ilona Granet about how to cope with life in the 80's. Producer/Director/Camera/Editor. 1981
She Was Reading The Paper One Morning. . . . Collaboration with Anne Hammil. Collaboration between dancer Anne Hammel, about newspaper headlines. Director/Editor. 1981
Prudencio en Transito. Collaboration with Cara Brownell and Robert Cooney/ Workers in Mexico and the proliferation of the oil companies. For a performance at Franklin Furnace. Co-Producer/Director/Editor. 1979
Drowning. Collaboration with Cara Brownell. Shot in Guatemala, b/w, audio by J. Harrison, 4 mins., Producer/Director. 1979