University of California, Irvine, “Viral Integration,” February 1 – December 15, 2024 — Inaugural group exhibition curated by elin o'Hara slavick, artist-in-residence, for the new Susan & Henry Samueli College of Health Sciences Hall and Sue & Bill Gross Nursing and Health Sciences Hall. "The exhibit includes more than 100 works by 40 artists from across the United States and Canada – with a central theme of addressing health issues, from the individual human body and disease, treatment and survival to environmental factors and medical systems. Artists address childbirth, AIDS, mental health, cancer, medicine, healthcare workers, surgery, community responses to collective experiences, the practice of care, endometriosis, migraines, coal ash ponds, and much more." (UCI Public Health). Contact for more information.
top: three drawings in "Viral Integration" from left to right: Bodies 6215 (2019), Bodies 8049 (2021), Bodies 4256 (2019), graphite and paper on paper, all 18 inches x 24 inches; bottom, flyer designed by Suzanne Slavick.