The great Lunar Chandelier Press has me designing a book of poems by the talented Vincent Katz, called Southness. Keep your eyes peeled for a release party.
I'm also finishing up the design for A Picture of Everyone I Love Passes Through Me, a book of collages by Lynn Behrendt with text mixed by John Bloomberg-Rissman, remixed by Lynn Behrendt.
What a lovely collaboration to behold!
“With a feeling of a 21st century imagist soul, Vincent Katz reminds us that poetry can be used for many things: observation, personal declaration, and joy.”
Quadro Tonto (by VK)
I’d like to be a better person
I know that in their eyes I’m fine
that everything has been left in order
but in my own I fail at interval
I’m not enough there for people
I evanesce or my own desire’s paramount
but I also know it is within my power
to be a better person
I need only look into their eyes
instead of longingly down streetlights
of the limb-strewn boulevard
Volkswagen recommends that you point your key fob at your chin, making your head a kind of organic radio transmitter, in order to boost the signal to unlock your car.
You have a spore in your brain: it moves. Pan holds back his cry; instead of “A Day in the Life of a Naropa University Writing Professor” — it is now: “A Day in the Life of a Monster.” Prepare for journeys to the ER; know that your guides will be Miss Piggy and meth and shadows. Highlights: a plate of foaming innards. A life-size silver stencil of Durga sitting on her lion on the side of a boxcar. And, if we dare, the sail will fill and the boat we are in begin to tilt and move.
We are all Palestinians now.